Saturday, October 30, 2010
My two loves

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Lucy just recently began sleeping with half her body under our bed. This is a picture I took while laying in bed. She has the cutest nub for a tail and the most petite 'lil paws. Oh miss Lucy- I'll never understand some of your quirks but I love you just the same.
sitting! from Anna Cherubini on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
beep beep

Monday, October 25, 2010
bath pics
Saturday, October 23, 2010
weekend in Seattle
Early morning stroll w/ Leon. It was lovely despite the drizzle. We kept each other warm by bundling real well and snuggling close with the help of the Ergo carrier
I had to have a photo of Leon completely passed out during take off and he stayed asleep for over an hour. At first I was anxious about him possibly being fussy during the flight but thanks to breast feeding everything went so well.
Click here to see more photos from our trip.
It doesn't feel like a whole year has passed since the day Chris and I got married. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact that we accomplished major milestones all within one year. We moved into the home of our dreams and then shortly after was pleasantly surprised that a baby is on the way. We got hitched and then what seems like only moments later Leon arrived. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if everything was planned- but then again we were never the type of people who went according to the plan. For as long as I can recall our lives have always been lived according to what we feel in our hearts is right.
So here we are a year later- happy and so enamored by our 'lil boy.
I feel so blessed to be with someone like Chris. Happy anniversary bubba!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I couldn't help it, I took a picture of myself again. Chris teases me all the time. To me it's like checking yourself out in the mirror except better. Instead of using a mirror I just snap a picture of myself. I don't normally post pics I take except this one- mainly because my husband said I look like a teenager. I like!
Still gloomy and drizzly in LA. It's supposed to be sunny this weekend but we're traveling towards the rain by going to Seattle. It will be great though. I love visiting places I've never been before.
miss you muttley
On our way to Emily & Todd's house to drop off Miss Lucy. Just look at how relaxed she is! She loves car rides. When the weather is right (which is most of the time in Los Angeles- except the last three days) I open the car window real wide so she can get a whiff of everything. The wind usually pushes up all her beard covering both her eyes but she doesn't mind it at all. Her nose is what's busy not her eyes. I love her... every bit of her furry self.
I'm going to miss you my dear Lucy. As soon as we return from Seattle I'll be coming to pick you up.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
meals to go
cute booty

Monday, October 18, 2010
boo colds
Helping my 'lil man deal with his very first runny nose is one of those day to day challenges. It's really rough to perform on 100% mode when I'm running on maybe 2-3 hours of sleep. Chris most likely got less because his sleep is so easily disrupted by any 'lil sound.
I feel for my dear baby. If I could negotiate and carry his illness for him I bet I would. Reality is we have to get past this virus while keeping him as comfortable as possible. How? I'm still figuring it out as I type. More li
quids for baby, nursing, keep the humidifier on and avoid exposing him to sudden change in temperatures. Any other suggestions?
I've been using these boogie wipes with saline and it seems to be helping

Sunday, October 17, 2010
rainy sunday
We braved the weather on Sunday and headed out to have lunch. Leon wore a cute rocker outfit from Tita Leah. (Thank you cuz!)
Leon sporting the cutest knitted cap from The Gap.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
those eyes
I could not ask for a cuter walking companion. Every afternoon I am surrounded by cuteness during our walks around the neighborhood with Lucy and Leon.
I'm not sure how I'll resist holding back to whatever this 'lil boy will want. Just look at those eyes! He's got the perfect "pretty please?" look that will melt anyones heart to saying yes.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Woombie free!
We finally got rid of the Woombie! Weaning from it took 4 solid days of crying and fussiness. Leon put up a good fight. I can't believe just how dependent he was on the swaddle. I'm so relieved the battle is over and perfect timing for our travels. Next week we're off to Seattle!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Being that my immediate family is back in the Philippines- it's no mystery that I miss my family so much. I miss my mama and my 'lil sister Vanessa- whom I'll always refer to as little even though truth is she is 29 years old and is herself a mom.
Today I got a rare treat! Cousins from San Francisco and New York are in town. Leon and I had a great time spending a few hours with them today.
After we got our family fix we headed down to Leon's pediatrician for his third set of vaccines. I drag my feet to the pediatrician whenever it's vaccine day. I just dread witnessing my sweet boy take those needles. He handled it better than the previous times and I'm oh so proud of him. He still screamed and cried but this time I can tell that he was well aware of my presence. He looked at me and somehow he knew I'm there to make it all better. He pushed himself against me while I held him so close in my arms.
Good news is we don't have to come in for vaccines until 3 months from today. Yipee!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
bye woombie!
The Woombie served us real well. I remember during the first weeks of having Leon home the Woombie swaddle instantly calmed him down and made him feel safe. He loves his swaddle so much that if it were up to him I bet he will be in a swaddle 'til college. The main problem is he is getting way too big for it and is growing stronger everyday. There are mornings when my first peek at him in the crib shows a completely turned baby. It worries me so much because he may be able to turn unto his tummy and with his arms bound in the swaddle- he won't be able to turn himself back over. It's just time, I know it. We enjoyed the woombie benefits for a good 6 months and now it's time to wean him off it.
Today is the second day of weaning and boy it's been really rough. Picture above is after I pulled him out of his crib because I could no longer listen to him cry. He cried for about 45 minutes. Each minute was a pinch at my heart. My sweet friend Amy has been such good support. Her sweet baby girl- Matilda was a Woombie dependent as well but is now completely swaddle free. I remain hopeful the end of the struggle will be very soon.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Hyland's Kit
I immediately became a fan of Hyland's homeopathic remedies after their teething quick dissolving tablets worked wonders with Leon. At the time I did not realize that Leon was extremely irritable, wakeful and super fussy because there was not one- but two of his bottom teeth emerging at the same time. I don't remember teething pain but I imagine that if there are two coming out then it would be double the pain. I put a couple of these tiny teething tabs just under Leon's tongue and even before he closed his mouth- the tabs would already be dissolving. He definitely got relief and was able to sleep better.
I ordered this Hyland's kit that contains homeopathic remedy for almost every baby ailment.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Laughter from Anna Cherubini on Vimeo.