Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Nice day
My attempt to take a photo of our family on our first official outing today.
We enjoyed a nice lunch at Bottega Louie with Leon while he snoozed in his comfy stroller (he is in the background of photo). The entire restaurant bustled with the lunch rush and yet he was a total trooper. It was wonderful! Chris and I had a fabulous time especially since it has been about 4 weeks since we've been able to enjoy a nice meal out.
Earlier in the day we had a very important interview at USCIS (US Citizenship & Immigration Services). I've lived in the U.S. since 1999, have attempted twice through employment to change my immigration status and failed each time. The first time being inexperienced and not knowing any better- I hired a lawyer who turned out to be a scam. He disappeared and left with money he collected and precious time I've lost. The second time, the company I worked for closed due to the recession before I could obtain my change of status.
It had to take Chris petitioning me to finally get my status changed and approved. It's crazy to think that I went through so much grief in the past trying to get my immigration status taken care of- only to come to a point where I finally stopped trying, lived my life, married the love of my life and now it's as if the green card is just an extra bonus on top of all the other blessings that I have.
I only got the green card when it did not rank at the top of my priority list. Funny how life does that.
We showed up at the immigration office at 11am sharp with baby Leon in tow and all of our paperwork to prove that we are as legit as can be. The immigration officer even wanted to see photos from our wedding, utility bills with both our names printed, bank statements of our joint account, tax forms... it was crazy how specific and strict the process was.
I'm grateful and relieved to have it all taken care of and out of the way. I now have peace of mind that I'm in no danger of being detached from my precious family that I love.
The officer said that in just several weeks- the green card should arrive in the mail. I'll definitely take a photo of it and post it here!

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Giant eyes
Everyday baby Leon grows more alert and keeps his gigantic eyes wide open as ever. I'm slowly realizing that his facial features really do resemble mine. Everything else about him reminds me of Chris. Our sweet little boy is growing right before our eyes- it truly is amazing.
When he is fussy despite all his needs being met- and it seems all he needs is a good cry as a release, it's crazy how the sound of his cry really pulls on our hearts. I now realize that once you become a parent- in an instant you become a protector to your child and that if it is at all possible to keep them comfortable- sporting big smiles all the time- you would make it happen without a question. Chris and I are learning that there are times when Leon will be unhappy and uncomfortable and there won't always be a solution that we as parents can offer- this I'm thinking would be true all throughout his life as we watch him grow into his own person.
This is my favorite diaper barrier cream for Leon and I highly recommend it to other moms out there. The consistency is great- not too sticky and applies smoothly plus it smells really fresh.
I ordered a couple more from Amazon and patiently waiting for it to arrive. My only wish is that it came in a larger tube.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Good girl
My dear Lucy has totally adjusted to the new baby. It took her a few days of uncertainty, a few growling sounds here and there but I've noticed that recently she would come close to Leon to sniff his head. When I nap with Leon of course- Lucy naps with us as well. It must have been a big shock to her when we brought Leon home. Even though Chris and I planned how we were going to enter our house the first time- making special consideration to Lucy, I still could not help but feel bad for my Lucy. We do our best to make sure she is not left out and that she gets plenty of attention like always.
Baby pouch
I purchased this Baby Pouch from The Pump Station and even though I'm not a pro (yet) at wrapping it the right way- I think with enough practice Leon and I should be able to enjoy some hands free time while still being close together.
Leon seemed to like it- he was quiet the entire time and kept his head close to my heart.
I needed Chris' assistance this morning to test it and I highly recommend that new mom's ask for help before actually placing the baby in the sling.
Here's a video of the wrapping instructions:
Baby Pouch Wrapping Instructions from Baby Pouch on Vimeo.

Monday, April 19, 2010
16 days old

Saturday, April 17, 2010
2 weeks old

Baby Book

Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Morning muffins

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
11 day old baby Leon. It's becoming obvious that the only thing that lulls baby to sleep is nursing. He falls asleep even before he is done feeding so here we are trying out this newborn pacifier to give another option for soothing. So far he is having a difficult time keeping it in his mouth and his facial expression tells me he finds the paci a bit strange.
I double checked with our pediatrician and she assured that just as long as Leon has been latching on well then there's no worry of nipple confusion. He has been such a good boy so far. Chris and I have been getting at least 5-6 hours of sleep collectively throughout the night. We're well aware that the situation could be worse so we are truly grateful for Leon's calm temperament.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Milk at work!
When Leon was born he weighed in at 6 lbs and 15 oz and then due to normal weight loss after delivery he went down to 6 lbs and 4 oz. I was quite worried about my milk not coming in on time and that his pediatrician may have to put him on a milk supplement. Thankfully milk supply arrived just in time and today our 'lil man is a whopping 7 lbs. He is a good eater and has gained the weight fast.
Photo taken yesterday at Dr. Monica Asnani's clinic for Leon's second pediatrician visit.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
First Bath
Friday, April 9, 2010
Leon Dashin's Birth Story

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Leon Dashin Cherubini
Friday, April 2, 2010
Date night

Dr. Harvey Karp
- Swaddling- Wrap your baby tightly in a receiving blanket to duplicate the feelings of warmth and protection, and the "tight fit," in the womb. Swaddling also stops your baby's uncontrolled arm and leg flailing that can contribute to hysterical wailing. Karp says your baby will be calmer if she's swaddled 12-20 hours a day in the beginning. "Twelve hours may seem like a lot from our point of view, but to the newborn, it's already a 50 percent cutback on the 24-hour-a-day 'snuggling' in the uterus," he explains.
- Side stomach soothing- Lay your baby on her side or stomach, which Karp believes shuts down the baby's "Moro reflex," or a sensation of falling, and thus helps keep her calm. (He adds, however, that a baby should never be put to sleep on her stomach, since this may increase the risk of SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome).
- Shushing sounds- There is a whooshing noise within the womb, caused by blood flowing through the mother's arteries. You can recreate this sound with a "white noise" machine, a tape or CD with these "white noise" sounds: a dishwasher, a car ride or a hair dryer.
- Swinging- Rhythmic movements in an infant swing, hammock, moving automobile, or baby carrier can keep your baby content.
- Sucking- Occupy your baby with a pacifier, infant bottle, or a mother's nipple (which Karp describes as "the all-time, No. 1 sucking toy in the world.")