What a great find! The Woombie! Chris was surfing the net for some swaddler images to send a friend when he came across the Woombie. I researched on it and read some reviews and decided it's worth a try so I went ahead and ordered it from Amazon.
I'm so glad we tried it. We were using the Halo swaddler and it just was not working out for us for a few reasons. Leon was over heating due to the thick material, he was getting frustrated and making grunting sounds while he struggles to move or even wiggle his arms and legs. Also, it was difficult for us to get him in and out of it with all the velcro strips that had to be aligned just right for him to be snuggly wrapped.
I like the Woombie much better and Leon seems to prefer it too. The organic material is breathable and perfect for the summer season. The two way zipper works real well. I especially like that I can unzip from the bottom so I can easily check Leon's diaper in middle of the night. The material is so forgiving that it allows baby to move and adjust his arms and legs which he really likes. I definitely recommend the Woombie!

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