Leon "heads up" from Anna Cherubini on Vimeo.
My 'lil boy has always been battling falling asleep ever since the first night we brought him home and it seems he is only getting good at it. I wish I could just say- "Leon, just close your eyes and give in. Trust me, you will awake a happy baby" for him to realize that sleep is good. It's hard to watch him fight what is good for him and I realize that this won't be the first time. There will be many other times in the future and many other instances growing up when he will have to learn on his own- mostly by making mistakes and experiencing hardships. I recall so many times in my teenage years when my mom would forewarn me in the hopes that I would just listen to save me from heartaches. Well just like a typical all knowing teen eager to get my feet wet and make my own decisions- I would ignore her and go about my way. I know it seems I'm going way ahead of everything being that Leon is only 6 weeks old but I just could not help while watching him time and again fight sleep- that this is a sign of things to come - luckily not in the near future.
(Leon at 1 month and 15 days old)
Our poor 'lil man always has hiccup attacks. Although everyone says and every book states that babies are not bothered by it- just looking at his face lets me know the hiccups bother him a lot. It's so frustrating that there is nothing we can do to make it go away faster or avoid it. We just wait 'til it finally goes away while his tiny body jolts and entire head bops at every loud hiccup.
Besides the hiccups- last night was the first time we ever had to deal with gas pains. Leon was fussy on and off from 7pm until he finally dozed off at 10pm. Definitely the longest time he has stayed awake and he was miserable the entire time. Again we were frustrated because of the lack of relief we could offer him. We held, bounced and I nursed him just to offer some sort of comfort.
I would be a very happy mom the day Leon can actually tell me what's bothering him. No more guessing and trial and errors.
They should call this the "miracle ointment". Leon had an extremely dry peeling forehead and I applied a thin layer of baby Aquaphor just the other night and already this morning- major difference!
I loved holding Evelyn in my arms! She is so sturdy and adorable.
Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhoneLeon grew a whole 1" taller and now weighs 8lbs 11oz. He is a happy and healthy baby (except for when I had to undress him (twice) on a cold and stiff examination table (wasn't very happy then).
It was our very first time leaving home (without anyone else but me and Leon) and getting somewhere for an actual appointment. We did pretty well considering I even got a chance to get an iced latte to go on the way to the doctor's office. Actually, we got there too early because I was too worried about being late hence I had to kill some time and thought a drink would be a good idea (and it was).
The next time we see Dr. Asnani there will be tears for sure and my heart will break. It will be vaccine day one month from today.