For my upcoming 32nd birthday all I wish for is a simple celebration with Chris and Leon. Almost all past birthday parties I've had were either at a bar or a club/lounge- a great contrast to what I currently envision as a good time. Right now- the more relaxed, less crowded and peaceful it is, the better. My life has changed so much. What I value and how I would like to spend my time is completely different from just a couple of years ago.
Ever since I have found Chris and especially now having Leon in our life- I no longer feel like I'm missing out. All I need to make me happy is at home in the people I love.
Chris is taking me out on a special movie date at Gold Class Cinemas. Should be interesting since this is our first time at a theatre that serves a full dinner menu, a full bar menu and has super plush lounge seats. It's an all out luxurious movie experience.
My all time favorite book "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert is now a movie and the opening day is on my birthday August 13. It's just so perfect and I'm so excited!
I remember when I first got a hold of the book- about 4 years ago. I don't recall how I found out about it but I'll never forget the feeling of not being able to put it down. I used to take the bus going to my old job selling window coverings. This book made me so excited to get to the bus stop so that I could give every page my undivided attention. I had moments of tears, laughter and definitely a lot of pondering. I was so drawn to Elizabeth Gilbert's personal story because the woman that she was prior to her journey of eating, praying and finding love reminded me of myself.
When I was single and dating I put myself last and I failed to honor who I really was. So much so that when I got involved with someone- I lost myself and turned into the person I thought my boyfriend at the time would want to be with. It took me heartaches and tears to realize that by recognizing my true self and honoring myself only will I find peace. I did not need to fit a mold to be appreciated and loved- all I had to do is be at peace with who I really am- with all my flaws, my weakness and my strengths.
The person who embraced me broken and loved me whole is the one that won my heart and is the one I am so blessed to have as my husband.

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