4 months and 1 week old
Leon is so cute sometimes I just can't handle it! Love the baby chub rolls, his pudgy fingers, the most perfect 'lil chin and his irresistible kissable lips.
He really is beginning to understand more of the world. I notice that compared to when he was a newborn- he is now more chill and relaxed about things. He can sit in his car seat for longer periods of time without losing it. He responds to new faces and definitely has a preference for familiar ones. He stays awake more during the day and I can tell from his body language that he just can't wait until he can run off and play.
Recently he has learned to fall asleep all on his own. It was such a huge relief because for the longest time- it seemed as if the only thing that would lull him to sleep was his bouncy seat. Yesterday I hardly bounced him at all. I waited 'til I knew for sure that he was very sleepy, I laid him down in his crib awake and wrapped up in his Woombie then I left the room. I listened as he entertained himself with cute sounds he made most likely while looking up at his favorite baby mobile. Moments later I peeked and found a peacefully sleeping baby. WOW! I'm so so so proud of him.

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