Meal time is always fun for me and 'lil Leon boy. On the menu was pureed beluga lentils with brown rice and green beans. He loved it!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
moved by this....
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Dinner tonight....
Easy and simple dinner not to mention healthy. Spring mix greens with garbanzo beans, sweet tender beets, cherry tomatoes and grilled chicken topped with yummy green goddess dressing
On his changing table... check out those ruby red lips!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Lunch date
Chris and I regret stepping out of our home yesterday. It was crazy HOT in LA. I mean really HOT. But as these photos show we made the most out of our short trip. We grabbed a quick lunch at Lemonade and then topped it off with some frozen yogurt at the new Menchie's Yogurt in Beverly Hills. Off back to home base we were!
I love our weekends. Simple fun.
Friday, September 24, 2010
I'm in disbelief that the time has come for us to set the Baby Bjorn carrier aside. Leon is getting way too heavy for it. The Bjorn served us real well and to be honest- it's what Leon prefers. The only problem is mama can't handle the back strain any longer. Leon much preferred the Bjorn because since the beginning he has been a baby who liked to see everything. He never wanted to be confined in a fabric sling even though people said baby would like the snuggy feeling of being back in the womb. He also disliked being carried facing me. The minute I turned him around to face the world to explore- he instantly became a fan of being worn around. Good bye Bjorn, enter Ergo carrier! We're still working on getting a hang of it. I can tell that Leon and I both don't quite know how we feel about it yet. We have not decided. He hangs in it and seems to tolerate it. I know he misses facing out but this is the only way I can carry his weight without the pain. I must say that the Ergo definitely takes the weight off of my back. This is a carrier that puts the weight along my waist which makes a world of difference.
So far we've tried all three positions- baby in the front (facing me), baby on the side and baby on the back- made possible by Chris. I have no idea how anyone can safely maneuver their baby to their backs without any help and I'm not going to risk dropping Leon. I read the instructions on how to do so but it is just plain scary to even try.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Serious case of teething all weekend. Our 'lil man is purely irritated and fussy and I can't blame him at all. He grabs my finger rubs it against his gum and I can totally feel his hard tooth that finally broke his gum. I bet it's just so freakin sore. I feel so bad for him but there is very little relief I can offer. I have the Orajel swabs but it does not seem to work.
We're just going to have to ride this one out too. Tooth per tooth.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Happy 5th month Leon!